All Are Created Equal

Somehow, we have allowed basic human respect, the assurance of life, and that “all men are created equal” to be sliced along political lines. This is not a political issue. This is a human being issue. If you are a person of faith, this a God created all humankind issue.

The Beauty of Nuance

When we get out from behind our fear, which is craftily veiled in paper-thin tribes and sound bites, we realize that even our own opinions have nuance to them. It’s time to stop seeing any view contrary to ours as “wrong” and be willing to acknowledge the shades of gray we hold. If we cannot, our society, relationships, and humanity will continue to decline.

A Lament for Black Lives

O God of praise, keep not silent. For the mouths of the wicked and deceitful are opened against Your creation. They have spoken lies about those You created in Your image and come against them with vengeful tongues. They have surrounded them with words of hatred and brought violence against them without cause. In return for cries for equality, they choked out their breath. They have repaid justice for evil and replaced Your love with hatred

A Tale of Two Churches

In the coming days and weeks as we move closer and closer to Election Day there will become a palpable tension over what it means to be a Christian in this country. Even now, as pastors dare to speak on the simple reality that God cares about all people equally, some are facing backlash and... Continue Reading →

Record Your Small Victories Today

Now I am asking: what did I succeed at today? What little successes, little wins, little "heck yeahs!" did I have? Too often we look at the big things or let one little bad thing define our whole day. But what went really well?

16 Miles

16 miles. 16 miles! David and I hit 16 miles on our hike. I could not believe it. That's 2/3 the length of the Grand Canyon. With proper water and snacks I know we could have done more. With only 16 days until the hike (like what?!?!) I am a mixture of nerves and fear,... Continue Reading →

The Emotional Side of Faith

I first saw the Grand Canyon in 2015. It is breathtaking, inspiring, and too big to comprehend. It is colorful, deep, wide, and yet totally distinct depending on the light, time of day, what angle you get to it. It is in my top five favorite places on earth. I’ve been back three times now... Continue Reading →

Join the Fashion Revolution

One of the things to know about me is that I am fair trade warrior! What that means is I am passionate and relentless about helping people understand how their purchases affect our world. Someone once said that every time we shop, we cast a vote for the kind of world we want to live... Continue Reading →

When you say “Never Again”

Twenty-four years ago the Rwandan genocide started. Friends turned on friends. Neighbors betrayed those closest to them. Even the church failed to protect and, at times, was complicit in committing murder or allowing them to happen. Over 800,000 people died in just over 100 days. 800,000 people! I have a hard time imagining that many... Continue Reading →

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